Do your kids clamber for your phone or camera whenever you pull it out to take photos? Kids love to take photos but if you are tired of flipping through blurry photos of the sidewalk, this color scavenger hunt is a great idea.
Learning how to take photos learning how to take photos intentionally also helps kids practice mindfulness, slow down and observe the world around them, and focus their energy on a calming activity.

What you need for a color scavenger hunt
A camera. This one is obvious. You can use your precious phone, a hand-me-down, or old digital camera. There are also kid-friendly, nearly indestructible cameras that make good gifts.
An enthusiastic child. This one is essential and I bet you can find one close at hand. Just pull your phone out of your pocket and, voilá, one will appear.
A color. Yes, this one is also important. Choose your child's favorite color, or the first one that comes to mind. It really doesn't matter, as long as you'll be content looking at it in different versions across many, many photos.
If you are using this photo scavenger hunt as a way to practice color recognition, don't miss our favorite color activities for preschoolers.
Color Hunt Instructions
The most important bit is to explain the instructions to your child before you hand them the camera. Once they have the camera in hand, they will be off and running, heedless of what you say.
I'll be imparting the instructions using the color yellow. Obviously you will substitute in your color of choice.
Step one. Explain that you are going on a color scavenger hunt. The task is find things that are yellow and take photos of them. The items can be small or large, light or dark.
Step two. If your child doesn't already know how to work the camera, explain how it works before you release it into their eager little hands.
Step three. Hand them the camera and follow them around while they snap pics.
Sure, you may need to help them learn how to focus or aim the camera correctly on the fly, but that's all part of the adventure.
The color scavenger photography hunt can take place inside, outside or both!
Fortunately, for our yellow color hunt, it was spring and the daffodils were in full bloom!
Idea first published 2012, updated 2023.
MaryAnne says
He got some great pictures!
Raising a Happy Child says
We did that a couple of times, but we had same quality issues with a "kid camera". Now Anna goes on photo hunts with the real camera and sometimes gets some really interesting pictures.
Basbusa's Mama says
What a fantastic idea! I've been looking for ideas to make my older daughter more excited about trips outdoors, and she's just been allowed to start using one of the cameras. I'll totally try it!