If you are like me, you need last-minute, easy preschool valentines ideas for when your kid needs to take to school for his 18 friends and 4 teachers. We came up with this lighting-fast valentine card craft that any preschooler can make!

How to Make Easy Valentines
We made these simple, easy valentines in less than 30 minutes. No doilies, no glitter, no special art supplies needed. I will share my secret:
First I covered our table with a large piece of paper. OK. I realize a roll of butcher paper could qualify as a "specialty item." But you can use regular construction paper or white office paper instead.
Next, I set out an assortment of crayons, markers, pencils, and pastels in Valentine colors and instructed my preschooler to "scribble like mad." He covered the whole paper. It was so fun, I even joined in myself, as did his 8 year old brother.
Third, fold the paper accordion style (or stack individual sheets) and trace a heart template or use a heart cookie cutter. Cut out as many hearts as needed. (My 4 year old has trouble with scissors but if your kid can use scissors, have them do the work!)
And that's it! We I wrote "Happy Valentine's Day!" on the reverse side with each recipient's name. You could fold them, or put them in an envelope if you like. I think they are quite cute and fun as they are but if you are feeling ambitious your child could even glue them to a square of colored paper like we did with this valentine craft.
When you are looking for a unique way to celebrate Valentine's Day at home or in the classroom with a special project, this is the perfect resource: STEAM Kids Valentine's Day Projects!
Amy says
Yes! These are my kinds of valentines!
MomandKiddo says
I know! Easy-peasy! I cannot deal with all those beautiful-yet-complicated-and-time-consuming valentine crafts all over the web -- even though I pin them to my pinterest board. haha!
Jen says
I can't believe you are supposed to make something for everyone in your child's class - seems like an extreme form of torture to me.
MomandKiddo says
Technically I wouldn't have to make them. I could have used store-bought Valentines.
Megan says
Love it! Perfect for toddlers!!!
MomandKiddo says
I know!
Diane Hurst says
We made valentines like these one year. We used a food warming tray to make melted crayon "scribble" pictures. It's really an easy activity, and the valenties look interesting and beautiful!
MomandKiddo says
I love that idea - what a great variation, and still very easy!
Robin | Farewell, Stranger says
Love this! Was just looking for something that didn't involve a lot of time or mess.
MomandKiddo says
Yep, those are generally my criteria for a crafty project, too! 🙂
Rachele @ Messy Kids says
Thanks for that. This is my back up plan to my original idea. So easy! Thanks for sharing on It's Playtime.
Jodi says
That is easy, but my 2 son would love it. Actually, all my kids would actually enjoy it. Sometimes the most simple things are the best.
MomandKiddo says
"Simple is best" is a good mantra for many things in life. 🙂
Ulla says
I just spend quite some time at the Valentine's Day card rack at Target and could not justify spending a minimum of $15 on cards for preschoolers who don't care in the first place. This idea is so simple yet awesome. We'll get busy making these tomorrow!!
MomandKiddo says
I agree and these are so much fun - a great result for not much work.