[Amy from Sunlit Pages is back with a wonderful idea for a Valentine hug craft to go along with your holiday reading. I especially love how it reinforces family kindness and working together]

I love seasonal and holiday picture books, but I have not had the greatest luck with books for Valentine's Day. Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong ones, but I've found most of them to be fairly shallow and gimmicky. [Note from Erica: I totally agree!! See our list of Books for Kids that Spread Love and Kisses Note: this post contains affiliate links that may earn commission.]
So when it comes to Valentine's Day, I tend to stick with books that focus on love and friendship but stay away from mention of the actual holiday.
Earlier this year, my boys and I discovered The Giant Hug by Sandra Horning, illus. Valeri Gorbachev, and although it has virtually nothing to do with Valentine's Day, it's exactly the kind of book I want to read in February.
It's about a little pig named Owen. His granny's birthday is coming up, and when his mom asks him what he wants to send to her, he says, "A GIANT hug." He doesn't mean a picture of a hug or XOXOs or a letter saying he wishes he could hug her. No, he means an actual, physical, real-live hug. And he wants to send it through the mail.
Although the postmaster, Mr. Nevin, admits that they "don't normally send hugs," he agrees to try to mail a hug. Thus begins a hug chain that stretches clear across the country--from postmaster to mail sorter to driver to deliverer. Each character opens his arms as wide as he can and passes along the giant hug. And, as you might expect, the act of receiving and giving the hug somehow seems to brighten everyone's day, even James', a porcupine who is "not the hugging type."
Reading this book will make you want to send a Valentine hug in the mail, but . . . as far as I know, that's against regulation. And yet, it just sounds so fun, so I pondered over how else you could send the feeling of a hug to a loved one.
And then I realized it wasn't necessarily the hug itself that was making everyone happy but the interaction with each other: the greeting, the talking, the physical closeness. It was knowing that someone else was paying attention to you.
My parents live far away, and my kids only get to see them a few times each year. My children would love to do something nice for their grandparents, but the distance between us makes it difficult. But even though they can't help my mom make her bed, they can help each other make their beds, and if I were a grandma, I'd like nothing better than just knowing that my grandchildren were being kind and loving to other people.
And that's when I thought of it--the perfect way to send a "hug" in the mail.
A few weeks before Valentine's Day, I gathered together our supplies:
- butcher paper
- a pencil
- scissors
- markers
I took the butcher paper and cut a 4" x 24" strip of it. Then we folded it across three inches, flipped it over, folded it another three inches, etc. until we had a stack of about seven folds (like a little accordion).
We drew a person on the front, making sure the hands and feet extended to the folds. The good news is you don't have to be an amazing artist for this--you basically draw a stick person but just thicken it up a bit. 🙂
Then we cut it out, being carefully not to cut along the fold. (Because the butcher paper is thinner than regular printer paper, it wasn't too difficult to cut through so many layers.)
We stretched it out and could see the "hug" being passed from paper person to paper person. My kids took markers and gave a happy face to each person.
Now came the fun part. For a couple of weeks, we kept track of any good deeds the boys did. They could be as simple as letting someone go first when washing their hands or as difficult as giving up the last cookie (when you're three years old, that's tough). Then we wrote one good deed on each fold-out person.
We folded it all back up and tucked it into an envelope, along with this mail a hug poem (composed by my husband):
I hope you don't mind this; I did acts of kindness
For people I love around here.
I wrote it all down, mailed my list out of town
As my Valentine's card this year.
It shows what I'd do to say "I love you"
If you were consistently near.
If you want to send some love through the mail, you are more than welcome to use the poem to accompany your own set of paper friends. If you don't want to do it for Valentine's Day, you can easily substitute "birthday present" or "Christmas present" for "Valentine's card." If you have older kids, they might find it fun to see how long of a hug chain they could make.
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day, brightening up the days of those you love, both near and far away.
Enjoy your Valentine hug!
More Valentine Fun:
- Clever Valentine Cards: 1 template, infinite designs
- Super Easy Valentines for Your Preschool Friends
- Mobius Strip Hearts: A Valentine for Math Nerds
Amy is an avid reader and the mother of four rambunctious boys. Her life goal is to make them as obsessed with books as she is. (Judging from the dozens of books scattered all over her house, she has been successful so far.) She blogs at Sunlit Pages where she writes about a variety of books–from what she is currently reading to her kids’ favorite picture books.
Originally published 2015.
Melissa @ WhatToReadToYourKids.com says
That is the BEST idea! Oh my goodness, I bet those grandparents are going to be thrilled to receive that. I'm absolutely going to steal this! I've also never read "The Giant Hug," so I'll have to add that to our library queue this month. It's funny, I wrote a similar post today about a friendship/love book ("A Letter for Leo") as my pick for this year's V-day...I too can't ever seem to find great Valentine's books and always fall back on sweet friendship stories that have both nothing (and everything) to do with the holiday. 🙂
Erica MomandKiddo says
Isn't it great? We are too late to get one to the grandparents this Valentine's Day, but we are going to make and send one "just because."
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
Melissa - I saw your blog post this morning before reading your comment here and also thought it went along perfectly with this book and activity! We are definitely thinking along similar lines!
Emily C. says
Amy, I love your idea. We've seen ideas for sending a hug in the mail but the addition of good deeds is wonderful for far away family. (Thanks for the book recommendation too.)
One of our favorite reads for Valentine's is Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch.
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
Emily - I've seen some other "hug in the mail" ideas as well, but I wanted to make ours a little more meaningful. I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the book rec!
Jami Babcock says
What a great idea! Also wanted to share a wonderful Valentine's Day book to check out: The Great Valentine's Day Balloon Race by Adrienne Adams...all her other books with the Abbots who are rabbits are delightful as well!
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
Thanks, Jami! We haven't read that book, so I just reserved it at our library. It looks really fun!
Dahlia says
The poem written by Amy's husband is fantastic! My parents will love it. I couldn't find a way to thank Amy herself through sunlit pages, so if you can pass it on to her I would appreciate it. Her blog is very cool too, I subscribed. Thanks for featuring her post on The Giant Hug.
I love a book I bought (at the grocery store!) called At the End Of the Rainbow by A H Benjamin, illust. by John Bendall-Brunello. Two friends find out their friendship is greater than the treasure at the end of the rainbow. Its not too sappy for a 5 year old. My daughter's middle name is Tesoro (treasure) and I use the book to remind her that she is my greatest treasure.
Happy V day.
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
Dahlia - thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I'm glad you stopped by my blog, and I'm sorry you had trouble commenting there. You can always email me (sunlitpages {at} gmail {dot} com) if that's easier.
And thanks for the book recommendation--sometimes the best books are found in the most unlikely places. 🙂 We'll have to check it out!
Martha says
Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch is a pretty cute book.
Erica says
Thanks for the recommendation!