When you want an incredibly simple, screen-free indoor activity idea for kids that keeps them busy, try this water transfer activity!
This is the kind of activity that would make an adult bored to tears but completely fascinates kids!

What you need:
Pipettes or an eye dropper.
Two small containers, like plastic bowls or food storage containers. Alternatively, try a muffin tin.
Optional: place mat or towel to protect the table
MORE: 16 Indoor Water Play Activities
Fill one container half-way with water.
Place the two containers side by side on the place mat or other surface.
Demonstrate to your child how to use the pipette to suck water up from one bowl and squirt it out into the other!
Now, let your child have a turn! It may be tricky at first, but children have a natural inclination towards curiosity and perseverance and will work at the skill until they figure it out.
Even though you set up this water transfer activity to save yourself from the tedium of an afternoon with the kids and "nothing to do," you can feel very proud of yourself that the activity is also helping to develop their fine motor skills!
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