Aren't toddlers the cutest? My toddler loves to throw balls around. Maybe this is not so good in a small apartment! Lately I've been keeping him entertained with this simple toddler play idea, which I have oh-so-creatively named, "ball in a box".
I wish I'd thought of it when he was younger, because it's a perfect distraction for babies, too!

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The best kid of ball to use is either a sky bounce ball like this (shown in photo) or a ping pong ball. Ping pong balls (I recommend the yellow ones for contrast, instead of white) are extra fun because they bounce around so much, especially if you add a couple of them.
MORE: We use ping pong balls for all sorts of fun indoor ball activities.
Clear container.
I used a large, clear plastic container. If you do not want the child to be able to open the container, make sure the lid is secure, with tape, if necessary.
That's it!
MORE: 21 Simple Baby Play Ideas (With Printable List!)
How to Make the Ball in a Box
It's not complicated, folks.
All I did was put a ball or other small toy inside a clear plastic container and pop on the lid! Secure with tape, if desired.
Now your toddler can shake the ball and watch it roll around inside the container.
Sometimes my toddler even plays with it by himself for more than two minutes before trying to take the lid off to get at the goods!
No fancy, expensive apps or electronics needed.
MaryAnne says
Great idea!
Do you have any o-balls? Those are much better for throwing around small spaces than ordinary balls of any size - they don't go very fast since they are full of holes and are so lightweight they would have trouble breaking anything. Of course, my children prefer to throw normal balls for those very reasons...
Raising a Happy Child says
We also had o-balls that Marianne mentions - they were a big hit. I am still thinking that they might be used for some sort of abstract sculpture one day.
Julie says
Bonna says
Raising a Happy Child - try to use the small o-balls for bubble play. And for super large bubbles the big o-balls!