When a toddler puts a marker to paper for the first time he is entranced by cause and effect. Now, when he moves that marker around even more glorious things happen. And you, the parent and caregiver have a ring side seat to your child's first efforts at self-expression through art. You definitely want to do all you can to encourage this wonderful stage of development.

Probably you don't want your toddler to learn about art by drawing on the walls, though. So you sit her in the highchair, tape a piece of paper down to the table and place a handful of markers in front of her.
Excellent start, mama! (Or dada!) But there's one simple change to can make to give your toddler a whole new perspective.
I love letting my kids explore making art all by themselves. My philosophy is the less adult-guidance the better. I don't tell them what to draw, nor do I say, "good job!" However, I noticed that after a while my toddler's interest in putting marker to paper started to lose the thrill of discovery. So I decided to try something new.
I sat him down on a large piece of paper on the floor and gave him an assortment of markers and crayons.
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That's right! All you have to do is sit your toddler on the floor!
This simple change gave him a new perspective on the act of drawing and the freedom to explore art when not confined to a table and a chair. It was fascinating to watch how he changed what he was doing!
I loved when he started drawing circles around himself!
Getting down on the floor and using his whole body meant he was now using gross motor skills and fine motor skills in tandem! That's very important for future writing development! See another one of our favorite gross + fine motor activities here.
Sometimes it doesn't have to be complicated.
- If you are worried about getting marker on the floor, I recommend washable markers.
- Try not to interfere, but supply the necessary supervision.
- A big roll of giant sized paper is a must in our household. We have never been without one!
Want to go beyond scribbling? Here is our favorite book with great toddler drawing ideas :
Christy says
I bet that would be fun for big kids too!
Raising a Happy Child says
I agree - it's fun for big kids too! I also loved the pic yesterday with New Kid in the box - so cute!
Sarah Slaven says
Oh that looks like fun i think I'm going to carpet teh floor with paper tomorrow and just let them go for it.
Bona Fide Mama says
yup. so need to do that. 🙂
Marcia says
Love to read your posts each week at no time for flashcards.
Am now your newest twitter follower!
Marcia at
Katie @ Gift of Curiosity says
Isn't it great how changing up the materials or positioning a bit brings whole new life to an old activity? :-)
Mom and Kiddo says
I agree! And kids are so creative when we try new things with them.
Sandy says
I use the backside of a roll of wrapping paper. Lay it out and tape down. Huge space to colour on.
Erica says
Great idea!
Terry Doherty says
We used to keep drawing paper taped to the coffee table - sometimes in multiple layers - with a "coffee can" that had crayons and markers. That way anyone could pick up something to draw with and just have fun. It was great for modeling drawing for my daughter and sometimes got her away from paying attention to the screen. We also had a game called "partner pictures" where one of us would draw a shape or scribble, then the other would either add something or make an object out of it. The latter is an activity we still do (and she's almost 18). We have a notebook and one of us draws a scribble to challenge the other person to make something out of it. She calls it "Imagine." Those journals are priceless.