These children's books from the 1990s will spark memories of childhood!
Making this list of classic 1990s children’s books was an unusual exercise for me because it is the first list in my classic book series in which there is not a single book that I read when I was a kid. In fact, all of these books I read after the age of 30. However, the fact that a 30-something can enjoy a bunch of kid books says a lot about their potential for enduring appeal.

The elephant in the virtual room for any list of 1990s children’s books is, of course, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997), which is not on this book list because... I'm guessing you've heard of it?
Although I can’t guarantee all of these books are going to be new to you, I can guarantee they are all less famous than Harry.
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1990s Children's Books
The Birchbark House (series) by Louise Erdrich (1999)
I adore this series! Erdrich's writing is simply marvelous. This first book takes place on an island in Lake Superior in 1847 where 7-year-old Omakayas, "Little Frog" and her Ojibwa family live. Erdrich describes the daily life and experiences of the Ojibwa as well as their sorrows and joys. Excellent, and a must read for kids.
Clockwork by Philip Pullman (1995)
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Pullman is best known as the bestselling author of the His Dark Materials books (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass), but try out this short, illustrated work. The strange, somewhat creepy and very suspenseful, twisted meta-narrative fairytale will be best appreciated by older children. I am finding it very difficult to sum up the plot in a sentence or two! When the clockmaker, Karl, admits he has yet to finish his current project, Fritz, tells a story and things in the town begin to wind up and wind down.
The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis (1995)
Curtis' book is a tender and very funny portrait of a loving African-American family living in Flint, Michigan. Young Kenny’s parents decide to drive the family down to Birmingham where older brother Byron will spend the summer with grandma in an attempt to correct his delinquent behavior. Most of the action takes place before the family gets to Birmingham and despite the serious undercurrents of the story, there are many moments of this book which are laugh-out-loud funny. Highly recommended and very enjoyable.
A Long Way From Chicago (series) by Richard Peck (1998)
In depression-era Illinois, Joey and his younger sister, Mary Alice, spend 9 summers with their formidable, yet lovable Grandma. Each chapter is a self-contained story of one hilarious summer-time adventure and are perfect for family read alouds. Even though this book was written in 1998, it reads like an old-fashioned children’s novel.
Letters to Anyone and Everyone by Toon Tellegen (1996)
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I first encountered Dutch author, Toon Tellegen, when I picked up a copy of The Squirrel's Birthday and Other Parties (1995). In Letters to Anyone and Everyone, various animals write letters to each other (and to the sun!) which the wind delivers. Delicately charming illustrations accompany the letters in which the animals discuss their dreams and plans. Simply lovely and perfect to read aloud to younger children. (Note: I am not entirely sure that these English translations of Tellegen’s work exactly correspond to the original Dutch editions. They may be collections of stories that were published separately. These publishing dates are based on the original Dutch editions. The English translations were published as late as 2010.)
Something Big Has Been Here by Jack Prelutsky (1990)
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My choice of this particular Jack Prelutsky book is rather arbitrary because you could pick up any of U.S. Children's Poet Laureate Prelutsky’s poetry collections (and there are many) and be immediately and totally charmed. Prelutsky has a real talent for creating irresistible, magically hilarious and sometimes outrageously ridiculous poems with terrific kid appeal. If your child resists poetry or needs something to memorize, introduce him or her to Prelutsky.
A Mouse Called Wolf by Dick King-Smith (1997)
On this blog I have frequently recommended the books of prolific author Dick King-Smith. His books are excellent choices for kids reading and listening to chapter books for the first time. He is best known book is Babe: The Gallant Pig and The Water Horse but A Mouse Called Wolf is another book with enduring appeal. A young mouse named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart uses his talent for singing to entertain and help others.
Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman (1994)
In the 13th century, 14-year-old Catherine, the daughter of a landed knight, has a little more gumption than a girl in her times is supposed to have. Her father is trying to marry her off to enrich his coffers but she would rather run around with the peasants on the manor and thwart his efforts. This short novel is told in a diary format and is 100% hilarious.
Tashi by Anne and Barbara Fienberg (1995)
This popular Australian series can be enjoyed as an early chapter book or read aloud. Young Jack tells his parents marvelous tales about his imaginary gnome-like friend, Tashi, who has impressive and fantastical adventures like outwitting a dragon and flying through the skies on a swan.
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi (1990)
Set in 1832, this Newbery Honor book tells the absolutely riveting story of Charlotte, who sets out on a sea voyage from England to Rhode Island. Instead of being chaperoned by other families on the journey, she unexpectedly finds herself alone with the crew and becomes entangled in a nail-biting and dangerous adventure. Ages 10 and up.
Frankly, the 1990s feel like yesterday. This, my friends, is the last list in my 20th century classics series. Are you a little sad? I am. In the beginning I was unsure whether I would end with the 90s or the 2000s, but this seems like a good stopping point. Making these lists was a lot of work and involved a lot of reading. It was worth it, though, and I hope you enjoyed them.
Don't Forget! All my books lists are collected in one place on my Kids' Book List page.
Visit my other posts in this series:
sustainablemum says
Some interesting sounding books here, heard of some of the authors but none of the books. I had a look at your books from the 1970s and I had read nearly all of them!
Mom and Kiddo says
I'm glad I could give you some new titles to read since you've already breezed through te 70s! 🙂
pugofmyheart says
The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle is a gripping novel. Another favorite from the 90s is Owl in Love by Patrice Kindl; it's about a young girl who can shape-shift into an owl--and who's in love with her science teacher
Mom and Kiddo says
Oooh, I haven't heard of Owl in Love but it sounds great! Thanks for the suggestion.
Julie says
I'm a little sad the series is over. I *guess* I'll keep reading your blog *sigh*. We are huge Avi fans.
Mom and Kiddo says
jen says
I think that given the number of kids' books you have read by now you are entitled to call whatever you like a classic! I have only read the Tashi books (not with my kids - just to see what all the fuss is about!) and some Phillip Pullman - none of the others! More for my list and thanks for thinking up and taking on this fab project!
Mom and Kiddo says
And thanks for being such a dedicated commenter, Jen! I decided to include Tashi because I like to make sure I don't just have American novels on the list and it is good for younger kids. I wanted to also check out Andy Griffiths that you mentioned in an earlier comment, but I just didn't get to it by the time I made this list.
Amanda Caldwell says
Wow! Flashback to my childhood! The Watsons Go To Birmingham, I remember reading in school and loving btw! Thanks for the nostalgia, I usually read blogs and don't comment, but had to come by and say something 🙂
Mom and Kiddo says
I'm glad you decided to comment, Amanda. It makes my day when one of my posts inspires someone to comment even though they are usually a lurker! 🙂
Jen says
Actually I am taking my 6 year old to see Andy Griffiths speak tomorrow - he is so excited and has got all his books together for AG to sign and is planning to tell him about his own idea for a book he is planning to write with his friends at school. I'm not a huge fan of Andy Griffiths for lots of reasons (including constant age/gender stereotyping which drives me crazy) but I have to say they have got my son excited about reading in a way that my favourite kids books never have.
Mary says
Dick King-Smith's "Puppy Love" has been one of my favorite picture books since it was new, and I cried when I heard he passed away.
Erica MomandKiddo says
I haven't read that one! Thanks for the recommendation. I love his chapter books and hadn't realized he wrote picture books.
Laurel says
This series has been so great for our family. So many books I’d never heard of and our public library had almost all of them. It definitively ended our problem of not having enough books for the voracious 10yo, at least for a few weeks. I’ve shared widely as well. Thank you!