I found some wonderful classic children's books from the 1940s that kids and parents can still enjoy today. Let's take a look at a few, shall we?

If you have been following my 20th century classic children's books by the decades lists then you know I have been bumping off the big name titles in order to introduce you to books which you might otherwise have passed by.
Today we're looking at 1940s children's books and of course I wanted to include My Father's Dragon, Homer Price and Betsy-Tacy, but they are already so popular and I've included them on several other lists (see my book list index for over 300 book lists!). So today, I know you will find some new favorites (Note: book covers and titles are affiliate links that earn from qualifying purchases)
1940s Children's Books
Wolf Story by William McCleery (1947)
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Five year old Michael wants his dad to tell him a story about a wolf and a hen named Rainbow, but as five year old will do, he keeps interrupting to instruct his dad on the story details. A humorous short novel great reading aloud to younger kids. This is the first book on my list because it only recently came back into print and I don't want you to miss it!
The Dolls' House by Rumer Godden (1947)
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Not to be confused with a certain Norwegian play, Rumer Godden's story, written from the dolls' point of view, was one of my childhood favorites. A much loved doll family finally gets to move out of their shoebox house into an elegant Victorian manor. Only the manor comes with the beautiful but haughty doll, Marchpane. Tasha Tudor's illustrations are the perfect accompaniment.
Twig by Elizabeth Orton Jones (1942)
This was a favorite of mine when I was a girl. With a few found objects, Twig transforms her corner of Chicago into an imaginary, fairytale world. A little Elf who comes out of a book, shrinks her down to size so she can join the fairies... for a while. So sweet and charming it's hard not to love this book. A great read aloud for fairy-loving kids.
The Swish of the Curtain by Pamela Brown (1941)
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I'm including this 1940s children's book as a bit of an in-house favorite since the plot revolves around the theater and I adore children's novels about theater. Written when the author was only 14 (!), the book follows the adventures of seven children as they produce and perform in their own stage company. If your children have read and enjoyed Noel Streatfield's Shoes books, this book should be next on the list.
Comet in Moominland by Tove Jansson (1947)
This is the first of Finnish author Tove Jansson's Moomin books. All the Moominbooks are gentle, quirky fantasy stories about a group of charming creatures. In this book Sniff and Moomintroll learn a comet is heading towards Moominvalley. Only the greatest of curmudgeons will not love Jansson's creations.
The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge (1946)
Goudge was a favorite author of the young J.K. Rowling for those of you who enjoy facts like that (as I do!). Orphan Maria Merryweather goes to live with her cousin in his beautiful home, Moonacre Manor. A secret and magical past surrounds the house and Maria find herself smack dab in the midst of an intriguing mystery in which she is the heroine.
The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois (1947)
This Newbery Medal book follows the journey of Professor William Waterman Sherman who crossed the Pacific in his hot air balloon only to land on the isolated island of Krakatoa. He finds a strange society centered on the wealth of the local diamond mine and escapes with them when the volcano erupts. There is much in this book to interest kids who love adventure and fantastical inventions.
The School for Cats (series) by Ester Averill (1947)
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There are many sweet and funny books from Ester Averill about black cat Jenny Linksy and her urban feline friends. In this one Jenny goes off to cat boarding school where she encounters Pickles, the fire cat (the subject of a fun, classic easy reader book!). Perfect for kids just delving into chapter books.
Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson (1944)
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Anthropomorphized animals in rural Connecticut hope the "New Folks coming" to their farm will will bring positive changes to the land. Things don't go quite as expected, however. A lovely read for those who love animal stories.
Mistress Masham's Repose by T. H. White (1946)
Parent-less but spirited, Maria, discovers Gulliver's kingdom of Lilliput. Humorous adventures, decaying English manors, odious guardians and a resourceful heroine are always hallmarks of a classic children's book. Great for older kids or as a read aloud. Fun Fact: T.H. White also wrote The Sword in the Stone, and excellent classic book for kids who love the knightly tales of King Arthur.
Visit my other posts in this series:
Even in Australia says
I love Jenny and the Cat Club. I also loved Rumer Godden's doll books as a child but Miss Happiness and Miss Flower was not as good as I remembered upon rereading recently.
Stacey says
Now. A Swish in the Curtain- a book written by a 14 year old! I think that one will top my TBR list!
Momand Kiddo says
I know! I can't write a book and I'm nearly (cough cough) 40!
Raising a Happy Child says
I enjoy reading about all those books I've never heard about before. Only Jenny Linsky is familiar to us from your prior recommendations, and it was a big hit in the house.
Jenny K says
I love how you are going through the decades with books like this! I'm definitely looking forward to trying some of these out!
Momand Kiddo says
I know you'll enjoy them.
Jen says
I LOVED The Swish of the Curtain (and the Blue door Venture) as a child but had no idea that it was written by a 14 year old! They are really hard books to get in Australia too. The Little White Horse and the Moonin books were favourites too as well as the Doll's House. But I don't know the others - yay for some new books to discover! I'ld also put in a bid for The Otterbury Incident By Cecil Day Lewis (Poet laureate and father of actor Daniel D-L). I don't think it's nearly as well known as it should be - I loved it as a child and the pictures (the ones in the original edition) are fabulous. BTW I'm really enjoying 'The Trumpeter of Krakow' - it's a corker!
Momand Kiddo says
Jen, I feel like it's become a challenge to make a list with no books on it that you've ever read! I'm always so impressed that you know so many books on these lists.
Melissa@Julias Bookbag says
These are the BEST LISTS ever!! How I loved my Moomin books. love love love. What treasures you have here 🙂
Momand Kiddo says
Thanks, Melissa! Those Moomins are pretty cool.
Lynn Rutledge says
Thanks for letting me know about Wolf Story. I can't wait to get it for my granddaughter!
Mom and Kiddo says
She will love it!
Debbie says
I never read any of these as a child, but I have read The Twenty-One Balloons and Rabbit Hill to my own children. Love them!
Kim says
My 30 year quest is over. I have been on a holy grail type mission, seeking a favourite childhood book, and found it on your site. It was difficult journey, because I could not recall title, author, or character names, only had a vague recollection of little girl who lived in a building with porches and stairs, with a little stream in the yard caused by run-off from the drainpipe, where she played and was shrunken down to miniature size. Of course this was TWIG, as I now know from reading your blog. Being able to click on the link and taken to Amazon, there was a big a-ha moment on seeing 2 illustrations vividly remembered (of the apartment house and the turned over tin can). Although I was unable to find this book when my children were young, I will buy it and tuck it away for sharing with possible future grandchildren. You have created a wonderful resource for parents and diehard fans of children's literature. Thank you a million times!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Kim: I am so delighted to hear this! Thanks for letting me know. It so nice to get confirmation that writing these posts helps people find the books they want!
Janet Newell says
My sister & I had two books, both were "Tall Tails". Each book had quite a few stories in them. One other series we had was "Uncle Wiggley" . I'm not sure, however I believe I remember a character named Nurse Jane fuzzywuzzy. Do you know where I can find them?
Thank you
Erica MomandKiddo says
My best advice is to look at used book stores or places like ebay and the like. It can be tricky to track down copies of out of print books. I once googled a title every day until I found it somewhere. Good luck!
Muria says
The Little White Horse was one of my absolute favorite books growing up. I can't tell you how many times I checked it out of the library. When I finally found a reprint of my own, I also found Linnets and Valerians, which was equally charming. I have a hard time finding good books that my two boys will be interested in reading though. They tend to pick up the popular stuff, and the graphic novels, despite being good readers. Since we started homeschooling, I've been trying to find good books that aren't especially girly. Thanks for these lists!
Erica MomandKiddo says
I hope you enjoy the lists! Thanks for your comment.
Jean Marshall says
I just stumbled on to your site! And I am so delighted to see yourecommending The Dolls House and Mistress Masham's respose! Since childhood (1940s) I have loved books about dolls who come to life and have adventures and books about tiny people--like Mistress Masham and The Borrowers. I kept dozens of titles all these years, and now I check out copies to the neighbor children with "library cards." I was just idly searching for a book called Marny Moo or a book with a character called by that name. My mother read it to me in the very early 40s. I have never found it. But I will keep looking.
Thank you for your website.
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thanks for stopping by! When I was a child I also adored books about miniature worlds. (I still do!)
Mary says
I am looking for a child book of short stories. One of the stories was about a hygienic pig another story was about a pair of shoes and their travels. I would so much to find this book I thin of it frequently and it brings fond memories to me. Help is appreciated in finding this book,
Kate Wilson says
Maybe "Rainy Day Stories" published by McLoughlin Brothers in the 1920s?
Erica says
Thanks for being so helpful with all your answers to these queries, Kate!
Mary says
I read this book in the mid 1950's.
Jan Webster says
I'm looking for a book I was given in the early fifties. It had stories for children ( I remember it being a vey serious book) and there was a poem in it that has stayed in my memory. I think the poem was called' it's time little people were going to bed' and a line from it was'Caw said the rook as he flies overhead, it's time little people were going to bed'. Would anyone know the book? I would love to own it again. Think it must have been published pre1950's as it was given to me by an older cousin. If anyone can help I would be very grateful.
Many thanks
Kate Wilson says
Try " Fun and Frolic" collected/edited by E. T. Roe. Seems to include the poem you reference!
gayle skalazub says
i am looking for a book that i had as a child around 1946-1954. it featured a standard black poodle that may have had a fuzzy texture on some of the pages. the story was set in a lady's hat shop possibly in paris. i remember the illustrations being charming. if you could help with any information i would be very grateful. thanks.
Kate Wilson says
There's "Pompon: The Story of a Poodle" by Dorothy L'Hommedieu, a chapter book published in 1955 - or maybe "Woofus the Woolly Dog" by Jane Curry and published in 1944? That one has a fuzzy texture on the black dog images... Hope you find it!
Richard E.Barron says
Like to find book from the early 50's. "When Washington Danced" A hard back green book. I recall my mother buying it for me at Leary's Book Store, Phila.Pa. I read it in the public school system.
Sarah Clark-Wamuhiu says
Oh my, The Doll's House. I've been looking for quality books for my young son for the past few months and every time I look at lists like these I think about a book I had as a child but couldn't remember the name. I always hope maybe I'll run across is on a reading list somewhere. And there is was - The Doll's House! I'm going to have to get it and read it again 😀
Joyce Lorinstein says
I am looking for a US children's book that I read/was read to me in the 1940s - about a little black girl named April. Any ideas?
Erica says
I'm sorry, that does not sound familiar.
Kate Wilson says
"Bright April" by Marguerite de Angeli
Joanne says
Hello - I have a friend who is looking for a children's book he loved back in the early 1940s. It's about a boy who lived with friars (monks) and mixed paint for them for their illuminated illustrations. I've looked everywhere and can't find a thing - can you help? Thank you
Marilyn Wolfe says
I have a book read to me as a child Im now 76 the publisher and authors page is missing and the date it was published I remember it from when I was about 4 or 5 . Anyone saved a copy?
Paulette Skalko says
I’ve been thinking’s of a book I read more than sixty years ago. I don’t know the title or author was unusual in that the character, a child had some sort of being, that illustrated their conscience by clear pastel bubbles that became mud-colored with bad behaviors.. THANK YOU
Karen A Hanzel says
Where is Betsy, Tacy, and Tib?!
Nancy Vencill says
I read a mystery of a girl in an old mansion with an amazing staircase and something was found in the grandfather clock. The song Alouette seemed to be in the book.
Gail Blanton says
Looking for a book I loved in the late 1940’s about a family that finds either a fairy or a miniature girl and builds her some miniature furniture in their home and a play set on the window sill. She swings on the clock pendulum. That’s all I remember. Any ideas?
Marlo says
Hi looking for a children's book that was probably published in 1950 to 55. It was about a girl who had a bird she name Pete. I know the child who read they story was about 4 at the time and she was born in 1951 so that is why I am figuring the book was from 50 to 55 or even earlier than 1950.
Carol Maggard-Gilbert says
Hi, my name is Carol and I have been looking for a book I received in the mid 1940's to mid 1950's for Christmas from my Mother. The name was I believe Julia's Christmas. it was a beautiful story of a Victorian family who walks to church on Christmas Eve. The pictures were beautifully printed in wonderful colors. The siens of snow falling, and her beautiful dress and coat and hat. I have never forgotten about the book and tried to find it for many years. I am now 80 years old and would love to pass it down to great grandchildren. I would appreciate any feed back on if you have the book, or know about it.
Dyanne says
I too am on the search for children books my great aunt read to me in the late 60s, but could be older . The books ,were large fairytale type I think ? Very thick pages . Beautiful , colorful illustrations. I have never since seen anything like them
Julia Diaz says
I am looking for a compilation book that was illustrated and had fairy tales, fables, and poems. I know for sure that it had the following poems, Annabelle Lee, You Are Old Father William, and Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. I also know that it was both a LARGE and LONG book. It was a paperback book and my grandma read it to her children (in the 50s and 60s) and to her grandchildren (80s and 90s). I would be so grateful if you can help me figure out what the title is and where I can buy a copy!
Christine Twist says
Looking for a book called The Wolf. It takes place in England in the early 1900s. Children named Martina and Johnny are snowed in and Hannah the housekeeper can't get to them. One member of the family is very ill. Johnny goes out looking for help and encounters a wolf.
The story is being told to a girl named Christina by her grandmother. I got the book in 1959. Don't know the author.
Mamoun says
I have a lot of respect to you
Avery nice website I have ever seen.
Full of vintage books.
Thank you very much
Cheryll Harris says
I am looking for a sci fi book read by my daughter, probably in the 1960's (give or take ten years). It's set in a dystopian future and involves a young girl and a boy (she says she remembers something referring to the green boy). There are special glasses everyone must wear, so that they can't see the secret police that are constantly watching them, also people buy items with some sort of marks.
Sorry I can't be clearer, she really wants to re-read this book, but can't recall the author or name of the book.
Can anyone help with this?
Ken Peterson says
Wondering if anyone recalls a (probably) 1940s book about a newspaper boy who wishes at midnight on Christmas Eve for a comfortable featherbed (he's sleeping outdoors on stacks of old newspapers). When he wakes up, he's in a magical bed that can fly. The book chronicles their adventures, and all the people who want the bed for themselves.