My absolute favorite book when I was a child was Fred Crump Jr.'s Marigold and the Dragon. It is such a shame that it is out of print. It was originally written in 1964 but there was a later edition in the 80s that updated the illustrations making the Princess Marigold African-American (I think because Crump put in a lot of effort retelling/illustrating popular fairy and Bible stories for an African-American audience), but even that is out of print.

I'm quite surprised it is out of print actually since there is such a call for books about intrepid princesses who do not lay down and roll over waiting to be rescued. The popularity of The Paperbag Princess comes to mind.
My fruitless searches for a copy of the original book led me nowhere and I finally got a copy from Inter-library loan. Thank you Hiram Hale Memorial Library in Pound Ridge, NY! I was able to share the book with my kids and it was just as delightful as I remember.
Here's my brief synopsis of the book:
Marigold is a lonely princess and even though her father has told her never to climb the tower she declares, "Fiddlesticks!"
At the top of the tower she discovers a sad and lonely dragon. The dragon tells her that he is really a prince.
Marigold goes on a quest to mix a potion for the dragon to turn him back into the prince but when it doesn't work, Snigglefritz (as the dragon is called) admits he lied.
But instead of being disappointed, Marigold admits she is glad he is not a prince (they chase peacocks, so who wants 'em?) and they become the best of friends.
See what I mean? Doesn't that make you want to read it?
What was your favorite childhood book? Is it still in print? Lucky you.
UPDATE: At last I was able to track down a vintage copy of the book. Although, sadly, it is missing the original book jacket. But still! Now I can read about Marigold's adventures whenever I need a pick-me-up.
Christy says
I'll have to check my library system for this one. Maybe it will be reissued. I hate when books are out of print!
Raising a Happy Child says
Sounds like an awesome book! I have to see if our library system has it. Thanks for joining WMCIR.
love2teach2day says
Send your request to Purple House Press. They're bringing back a lot of books!
love2teach2day says
I searched. The African American version comes back into print in June 2011. You're in luck! 😉
learning ALL the time!!/Susan says
This sounds like a great book...we LOVE spunky princess stories 🙂
Rashi says
I am a new follower. That's a amazing book...will also check it in my library. By the way you can also check out my handprint Butterfly -
Julie says
This sounds like a great book!
LitLass says
Sounds wonderful!
My husband bought me my favorite, now out-of-print, book--Fozzie's Big Book of Sidesplitting Jokes (from 1981)--a few Christmases ago. Unfortunately, it's not as funny as I remember.
Tracey M. says
My son is just starting to get into things with dragons. How sad your favorite childhood book is out of print! sounds cute.
Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs says
Bummer, I tried my library but no luck. It sounds like a wonderful story. I have so many favorites from childhood, but the one popping into my head right now is Pickle Chiffon Pie. I will have to dig that one up soon to see if it's as good as I remember.
My Oatmeal Kisses says
This looks like a great book! I love the retro pictures. Why do go books go out of print? I'm excited to start the hunt to try and track it down! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Christy says
I hate it when my favorite books go out of print - or when the reprints are abridged. Its a strange reminder though, to treat books as a treasure to be saved and passed down, rather than as a consumable that can easily be replaced.
Amber Sprinkle says
This was my absolute favorite book as a child. It took me years to remember enough detail about it to finally find the name and look it up. I assumed it would be out of print, but I hoped I could find it. Such a shame, I would do anything to sit down and read it one more time. My search will continue!
Patti Seiger says
I had this book as a child and was just introducing it to my children 25 years ago when it was stolen out of my car in Baltimore...i was so upset.
Erica says
Oh no!