Kids not into the lovey-dovey aspect of Valentines' Day? Obviously, you need to turn to mathematics for inspiration! Bookmark this collection of twelve Valentine's Day math art ideas because you are going to want to do every single one!

The list of Valentine math projects includes a variety of ideas. Most are perfect for elementary aged kids, 5 and up although you will also find one or two that preschoolers will also love. And since the projects combine several of the STEAM subjects (math, art/design, and sometimes engineering) the ideas earn extra love! Some of them will decorate your home or classroom and others are perfect for turning into math valentine cards! Best of all, none of these Valentine's day math art ideas use boring worksheets!
Heart tessellations can be done for fun, or use the instructions as a classroom or after school Valentine's Day math art project. turned into Valentine cards. I admit to being a tessellations nerd and valentine math art is full of love (ha ha ha).
You kids can put their problem solving skills to the test when they attempt to arrange 22 triangles into this heart geometry puzzle. Turn this into a valentine by slipping the pieces into a red envelope and adding a few cupid-inspired words. The triangles can be used to form other valentine shaped math art as well.
Make origami heart bookmarks to show your love of reading and math art at the same time! When you think of origami, you may think of paper crafts instead of math, but math skills are essential. I share two heart bookmark folding methods. I made two videos for those of you who prefer to watch instead of read instructions. I ask you, what book loving friend wouldn't love to receive one on Valentine's Day?
Amaze your friends and family when you demonstrate that "love wins" as you use the magic of topology to turn two Möbius strips into interlocking hearts. Seriously, this clever Valentine's Day math art idea has a big WOW factor!
Science Friday shows you how to make some really cool mathy valentines with hearts. They give you mathematical instructions for graphing heart dilations, heart translations, reflections and rotations! The post has further resources for teachers on how to use the Valentine's Day math projects to adhere to common core standards, a pdf heart-making instruction sheets and links to some other super groovy math art projects. Definitely something to check out!
Babble Dabble Do has a printable for kids to make three dimensional paper hearts. This Valentine's Day project will teach symmetry and think how amazing a room decorated with a bunch of 3D hanging hearts would look!
Similar to our parabolic curve art, Almost Unschoolers shows you how to adapt the idea into a heart string art project that works number skills.
A heart geoboard pattern from Little Bins for Little Hands. I love this idea because geoboards are an excellent tool for working fine motor skills and although kids can make predetermined patterns, like the Valentine heart shown here, free exploration is encouraged. Children will learn about geometry, shapes, patterning and symmetry.
Speaking of geometry, a heart tangram challenge adds a little Valentine love into working with geometry, puzzles and patterns. Tangrams are centuries old dissection puzzles that came out of China. Once you printout the tangram pieces, or acquire a set of wood puzzle pieces (affiliate link), the math art possibilities are endless.
Have you ever heart of Pascal's triangle? It's a fascinating number pattern. Why not give it a Valentine theme with this Pascal's triangle project from Teach Beside Me.
Got advanced mathematicians in the family? Spend Valentines' Day graphing these heart curves.
If your kids are really drawn to traditional arts and crafts projects, these Valentine's Day math art ideas are just the ticket. Get out the paints and construction paper and teach them about symmetry using hearts with this activity for younger kids, or this project for older kids.
There you have it, twelve ways to turn a holiday about LOVE into a holiday celebrating MATH!
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