Kids love to cut or tear out pictures from magazines so instead of scolding them for ruining your latest catalog, turn it into a fun and easy art project and make collage books. Since this is a process art project, you may find the term "collage" only applies loosely, but that's okay. It's all about having fun!

As a bonus, the act of using scissors or tearing paper is excellent fine motor practice!
Don't miss all our collage art project ideas!
What you need:
Old magazines or catalogs.
Paper, preferably sturdy paper like construction paper or card stock.
Scissors. Alternatively, little hands can tear out photos instead of cutting them.
Glue stick
Hole punch
Pipe cleaner, brads or ribbon. This will be used to bind the book together. Use whatever you have on hand. Even a bit of string will do.
Optional: number stickers or marker to mark the page numbers
This is a child-led project. Provide them with the materials and explain the process of choosing photos and gluing them to the paper.
There is no need to guide them on what photos to choose or how to place them. If children request help with cutting or tearing, that's okay! Give them the help they request, but encourage them to make their own decisions as much as possible.
Once the child has chosen the photos, they glue them however they want to the paper. Sometimes photos may be upside-down!
Or sideways!
The child can add page numbers if desired. And sometimes they may add more than one:
After all the pages are completed, punch holes in the sides where the binding will go. An adult may need to complete this task, as hole punchers can require a bit of strength.
Thread the pipe cleaner or other binding material through the holes.
Final step: Have your child read you their book!
If there leftover photos and clippings, set them aside for a future collage project like this one:
Published 2008, updated 2023.
Jenny says
I like the idea of making a book- I think my daughter might enjoy that. She loves the glue stick too, and we're nuts about birds around here. I've added Birdsong to my library list for this week, so I'm glad you mentioned it. His "free-form" collage at the end is really something- the addition of the hole punch bits was inspired!
Mom Unplugged says
So cute (and funny), I just love the page numbers! That makes it all very much like a "real" book!
I think your book idea is a wonderful one (plus you used up leftover pipecleaners-very clever!). Perhaps I could "steal" your idea and we could do "book" one week for our project.
"Birdsong" sounds like a lovely book. I'll have to try and find it at our library....or just break down and buy it on Amazon.
Andrée says
I agree: Birdsong sounds like a wonderful book that I would like. Your collage is so charming: totally charming. I really love it!
Erica MomandKiddo says
Thank you!