Welcome back to our (very casual) poetry reading challenge for kids and families. For every week during National Poetry Month, I have one short, classic poem for you to read with your kids. Learn the simple and flexible challenge rules and get the first poem on the introductory poetry reading challenge post.

The best way to get to know a poem is to live with it. That's why the only rule of the poetry reading challenge you need to remember is to read the specified poem out loud at least once every day for a week. Discuss it with your kids (if you want), print it out and tack it on the fridge or your bulletin board.
This week's poem comes from American poet, Emily Dickinson. It's a very short poem, but I think you'll agree it is thick with meaning. I'm looking forward to hearing what my kids think of it!
I have a printer friendly version here ---> A Word poem
I've seen versions of this poem that use different punctuation. I don't know what version scholars have deemed official, but since reading it aloud is the goal of the poetry challenge I won't spend too much time hemming and hawing over it.
NOTE: Some parents didn't like this poem because it contains the word, "dead." As an alternative, I suggest, "Bee! I'm expecting you!"
Next up: Week 3 of the Poetry Reading Challenge
The blog, The Prowling Bee is dedicated to looking at each of Dickinson's poems and here's her interpretation of "A Word". You can read more about Emily Dickinson at Poets.org.
I'd love to hear from you! Did you manage to read the Robert Louis Stevenson poem from last week every day with your kids? Did you do any extension activities, or simply enjoy the reading? How did your kids like it? Do tell!
Maria Gianferrari says
Thanks so much, Erica! I wasn't able to participate last week, but I'll try it this week. I LOVE Emily Dickinson. I just subscribed to the Prowling Bee--thanks for sharing that!!
Erica MomandKiddo says
The best part of this poetry challenge is that you don't have to confine it just to Nat'l Poetry Month. 🙂 I'm so glad you are enjoying the poems.
Amy says
Our first week of the challenge was wonderful. My 5 year-old asked to read the poem every day. She has half of it memorized without any intentional memorization. Her enjoyment led me to start reading A Child's Garden of Verses aloud to her. She now asks to read "poems" every day. I never would have started this at this age without your challenge. Thank you!
Erica MomandKiddo says
That's so nice to hear, Amy! This morning at breakfast my 5 year old also recited the poem from memory--, also with no intentional memorization. Although my 9 year old didn't!
Kira says
I love this challenge ... thank you for organizing it, making it easy, and sharing it with clarity and exuberance. Many thanks!
Erica says
So glad you are enjoying it!