Since everyone needs an excuse to make more cookies....
We tend to associate kitchen math with measuring and fractions, but did you ever think it would be useful for learning about columns and rows (i.e. graphing?)

Over the holidays I made some cookies while Kiddo sat at the table reading some books. I asked him to help me figure out how to make an equal number of rows and columns on the tray. Being the crazy kid he is, he found this extremely interesting.
FYI: Never give your toddler an Earl Grey Tea Cookie less than 6 hours before bedtime. Not that I would ever commit such an error.
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Raising a Happy Child says
Those math cookies look very yummy 🙂
Phyllis says
Math IS fun, if pages of dreary worksheets don't kill the joy. You are going in the right direction to keep that joy alive.
Jeanette says
My kids are always very particular about making sure the cookies line up nicely in rows when we bake. 🙂 says
I agree with Phyllis, keep it real and keep it fun! No or few worksheets. Math is all around us, so sad we choose to teach it with pencil and paper. It takes all the creativity and discovery out of math. Keep up the great amth like your cookie experience. Thanks for visiting us at waddleeahcaa last week. we are still reading,writing and discovering new information about dinosaurs. Hope to hear from you again this week.
An Almost Unschooling Mom says
Great way to practice early multiplication skills, too!
Joyful Learner says
I'm with Kiddo! Rows and columns are crazy cool, especially in cookie form. Thanks for linking up with our new math links. I made the corrections after you let me know about the urls. Thanks!!!