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Scrambled States of America Game
Inspired by the popular picture book of the same name, Scrambled States of America is one of Kiddo's favorites. He's requested to play it more times than I can count! This is no dry and dreary educational game. It exercises kids' visual recognition and quick thinking skills while they learn fun facts about the states: capitals, nicknames and geography. The object of the game is collect the most states cards by "scrambling" to matching them up to task cards.
Special Considerations:
- For kids who need a break from strategy games, this is a good choice.
- Rules are easy to learn.
- Expect laughter!
- The official rules state that players race to find the correct matching state during game play. I've found it easier on kids with low frustration levels to let everyone with a state card fulfilling the match requirement to win the round instead of the player who finds the match first.
- Playing the game requires reading skills. It is recommended for ages 8 and up, but kids at a younger can can easily play if they can read; we got this game when Kiddo was 5.
- Don't forget to read the companion books! The Scrambled States of America and The Scrambled States of America Talent Show. Books and games? My two favorite things!
Tips for Playing with Preschoolers and Toddlers at the Table:
- Preschoolers can play on a team with a grown-up and have fun measuring distances, finding colors, and counting eyeballs.
- Although the game requires reading, kids who know their alphabet can exercise pre-literacy skills by helping their adult team member find word and letter matches on cards when required.
- As I mentioned above, it is best to eliminate the requirement to be the first player to find a match. The game is no less enjoyable when you do this, and cries of disappointment will be much fewer.
- I don't recommend playing this game with toddlers who like to reach and grab.
Have you ever played the Scrambled States of America Game?
Previous Games of the Month: Animal Bingo, Skip-bo, Rummikub, Qwirkle, Roads, Rivers and Rails, Colorku, Skippity.
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JDaniel4's Mom says
Any game with counting eyeball sound like it is right up my alley.
MomandKiddo says
Yes! I know, it does solicit some giggles.
Christy says
We own this game and have never played it!!!!!! I'll have to take it out over the weekend or vacation week. Thanks
Christy says
We own this game and have never played it!!!!!! I'll have to take it out over the weekend or vacation week. Thanks.
MomandKiddo says
Never played it! Oh you need to remedy that right away!
PragmaticMom says
We bought this game and I thought my 5th grader would like it as she is studying geography but I ended up playing it with my 2nd grader, then a first grader b/c he just like games more. It is a great game and we learned a lot. I wonder what happened to it? I'll have to dig it back up again!
MomandKiddo says
Yes, I think it's probably better for 2nd graders than 5th graders. My son also likes the Brain Quest USA game. That has trivia questions.
Cool Mom says
Yes, Yes, Yes... we LOVE this game! It is one of the most fun ways to get US Geography in our school day. 🙂
MomandKiddo says
I agree, it's fantastic!