Are you familiar with the famous "Marshmallow Test?" The one that is supposed to measure how well kids can draw upon their willpower in order to delay gratification? Well, Gamewright has come up with a new trick-taking card game inspired by Walter Mischel's famous (or infamous) Stanford social-science research project.

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About Marshmallow Test
Marshmallow Test is what is known as a "trick-taking" card game. Other examples of trick-taking card games are Bridge, Spades and Rook. The gist of play is that the game lasts for several rounds, and during each round, players compete to capture "tricks," or hands.
Marshmallow Test consists of a deck of colorful, numbered cards and squishy marshmallow tokens in two sizes.
Many trick-taking card games can get complicated really fast, but not Marshmallow Test, which makes it great for families. The objective is to be the first player to collect 20 points. You do this by winning rounds and collecting tricks. But the secret is that you need to delay gratification and sometimes let your opponent collect tricks in order for you to collect the most marshmallows (aka points).
Gamewright recommends the card game for ages 10 and up. I think kids 8 and up can play, but it will take them longer to learn how to implement the strategy needed to win.
Why Play Marshmallow Test?
Although the Stanford marshmallow experiment didn't measure willpower as much as it measured affluence, Gamewright's Marshmallow Test does indeed require players to delay gratification in order to win.
That requirement means players are putting their patience to the test! Effective game play requires strategic thinking and is an exercise in learning about probability.
When our family first started playing the game, we were taking tricks as soon as possible, but as we continued, it was fascinating to watch as my son learned how to hone his strategy to increase his chances of winning. I'm certain you'll see the same growth mindset happening in your kids as they play, too.
Bottom line! Give in to instant gratification because Marshmallow Test, is a sweet, calorie-free treat that you should play without delay.
Find it: Amazon
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Olivia says
Oh! It's a great card game! My son is only 8, but he plays with pleasure!
Irene says
I am a grandmother and love to see what games you have planned for children. I do believe children need to be unplugged and therefore support what you are doing for the children sake and for also grandmothers like me who don’t keep up with everything!