This selection for our game of the month series is a challenging strategic logic puzzle. miQube from MindWare is recommended for kids ages 7 and up and while I often think games can be played by kids younger than the recommended age, I agree with MindWare.

We've actually had miQube for several years. I had it on our list of favorite math-inspired games because Kiddo enjoyed playing around with the cubes and trying to complete the solitary puzzle, but at that point we hadn't actually played it as a competitive game.
After I started writing this post, I noticed miQube was not on MindWare's website so I tweeted them to inquire. Sadly, this was the response:
Yes, unfortunately we stopped carrying that a couple of years ago. RT @momandkiddo: @MindWareToys Has MiQube been discontinued?
— MindWare (@MindWareToys) May 16, 2014
Well, that's a bummer.
I considered abandoning this post, but 1) I had already done up the photo, written most of the text and it was too hard to trash it all; and 2) you can find miQube a few places online, at least for now. So, if this looks like a game your family will enjoy, snap it up while you can. (This post contains affiliate links.)
About Playing miQube:
- miQube is a puzzle game in which players attempt to control territory with irregularly shaped pieces on a checkerboard. Each 6 sided piece displays a different color on each face.
- There are 5 different ways to play miQube, four competitive games with two or more players and one solitary game.
- The game vigorously exercises your spatial awareness skills so be prepared! This is an area where my older son excels, so he enjoys playing against me because he always wins.
- The game can be tricky, but it's also very satisfying when you win!
- It's made entirely from wood, making it a great choice for families looking to introduce less plastic into the world. (We are one of those families.)
Alternatives to miQube:
I feel compelled to share some alternatives, since the game is rapidly disappearing from the market.
Kanoodle is another 3D puzzle game. We always take ours along for long trips. It's a lovely, portable size. However, it is a single player game. Also, it's plastic (boo).
Other games of the month which focus on spatial awareness skills: Qwirkle, Perplexus, Blokus, and Swish.
MaryAnne says
What a shame that it has been discontinued! I bought Emma Blokus a couple years back, but she hasn't played it (or any other board games) much. Johnny and Lily adore Rush Hour.
writersideup says
Erica, you continue to be an amazing source of valuable information and suggestions! Thank you 🙂
Amy @ Sunlit Pages says
Have you heard of Q-Bitz? I can't remember if we bought it based on your recommendation or not. Anyway, we bought it for Christmas, and it's similar in that it has cubes on a board, but it is simple enough that my five-year-old can do the puzzles. We really like it.
Erica MomandKiddo says
We have a travel version of Q-Bitz, but I'd like to get the full version.