Eat Your Vegetables Day is June 17 and we are here for it! I mean what better way to encourage eating vegetables that to print out a coloring page and turn boring black and white veggies colorful with a scribble of crayon? Think it will work to get your kids to eat a rainbow of veggies tonight for dinner?
Of course it will. Don't be silly.

This month's coloring page by children's book author and illustrator, Melanie Hope Greenberg, salutes the time honored tradition of trying to get your kids to eat their greens (and reds, oranges and yellows)!
This vegetable-positive coloring page features a mom serving her child a cornucopia of good things to eat. Children can make the edible bounty even more delicious-looking by using whatever colors they want.
Pink carrots? Purple peas? Blue broccoli? Go for it.
But remember, eat the veggies, not the coloring page!
Download and print the coloring page (by clicking on the following link you agree to our terms of service; see end of post for details*): Eat Your Vegetable Coloring Page
Melanie's vegetables-are-awesome coloring page is an illustration from My Mother is the Best Gift I Ever Got by David Heller. In the 1990s, Melanie illustrated this book for Villard / Random House. David Heller, PhD is the author of 30 books, including many concerning children's views of the world and everyday life.
If you love this illustration, Melanie sells her original illustrations of this and many more works! Please email her for more information: melhopegreenberg [at] aol [dot] com or visit her website:
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About the illustrator:
Melanie Hope Greenberg is an award winning author and illustrator of more than 15 children’s books. Her cheerful, vibrant illustrations can be found in books such as Good Morning, Digger, Down in the Subway and A City Is.
Melanie's iconic book, Mermaids on Parade, was selected as a Bank Street Best Book, and for the Texas Reading Club and PBS Kids Summer Reading Lists. It was named one of the Top Reprints of 2019 by Fuse#8.
written and illustrated by Melanie Hope Greenberg
Ingram 2019 Paperback ISBN 978-0578552125
Paperback 34 pages x 8.5 x 11 inches Perfect Bound $13.99
1st Edition Putnam/Penguin 2008
Print-On-Demand - can be purchased by schools, libraries, stores.
Institutional Book Ordering from Ingram
Or, buy it from Amazon
Read the reviews and testimonials on Melanie's Blog.
*Terms of Service: this coloring page is used with permission from Melanie Hope Greenberg and is for non-commercial use ONLY. You many print out as many copies as you like for personal, library or classroom use. If you would like to share this coloring page, you MUST link to this blog page. It is expressly forbidden to link directly to the coloring page pdf file.
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