How do you feel about the millions of Crayola markers (and other brands) sitting in our landfills? It's something I've been contemplating in our attempt to live a more eco-friendly life.

Our markers have been running a bit dry lately. Usually I would let them run all the way out before getting new ones, but on the way home I passed the oh-so-tempting neighborhood art store and stopped in to get a new box because I knew a little art session would buy me at least a half an hour of peace and quiet.
I was right about the peace and quiet but after buying them I started thinking about markers and their environmental impact. So much plastic just to end up in the landfill or the ocean. Ugh. And I don't even want to think about all the chemicals which spew out during the manufacturing process.
Is there a good alternative, or do we just switch over to crayons (which you can recycle, or buy soy and beeswax varieties) and colored pencils? I'm sure there are good eco-friendly art supplies out there. Any recommendations?
In the meantime, prevent your markers from going immediately to the landfill (although no matter how many crafts you make with them they end up there eventually) with these ideas:
- Turn dried out markers into watercolor paints.
- Tips for reusing old markers
- Turn the caps into a jump rope!
- Use the old caps with play dough
Let's not greenwash the impact all our markers are having on the environment. Yes, extending the life of the marker is helpful, and recycling is better than a landfill, but recycling does not equal zero waste or zero toxicity.
Crayola has started a recycling initiative you can read about on their website. Here's an interesting article about the realities of recycling Crayola markers.
We can't be perfect, but we can try to make good and informed choices.
maryanne says
This bothers me too. I love Crayola, but they really do not seem concerned about the number of markers winding up in landfills. Maybe if enough people write to complain? You've gotten me thinking; I'm off to write to them now...
The girl who painted trees says
I'd never thought of that! Thanks for pointing it out. Crayola should come up with a product that connects the markers together to make them a bit like tinkertoys. Then we could build with the old crayons and extend their life and Crayola'd make money from us parents buying the connecting pieces so they'd be happy too 😛
Maybe I should email them my suggestion...
Markers are just irresistible and there's no way my 2 yrld could live without them. Their colors are just so bright and vivid compared to crayons and colored pencils.
mindy2780 says
no ideas, just a thanks for pointing that out! I never thought about it that way. We use crayong around here more becuase of the mess factor but I am dealing with a 18 month old...Maybe colored pencils are another good option?
Fun Mama - Deanna says
No ideas here, either. We mostly use crayons and paint because I'm so scared of markers. I have good reason though. I've too often left my marking pens where someone could get them, and now my couch (our one piece of nice purchased furniture) is covered in permanent ink.
Randie Chubin says
For recycling markers!
alyssa says
you can put all the red markers in a spray bottle with water and itll be colored for a spray painting activity. same with the other colors. we spray outside on a sheet of paper. so much fun.
Erica says
Great idea!