Fall is a great time for getting outside and learning about nature. Seed collecting is a fun and simple activity for kids, especially toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners! Acorns, chestnuts, maple nuts, and all those mystery tree pods are fun to collect and compare. Below you will find a variety of seed collecting ideas for your fall activity planning, as well as some unique ways for kids to use their seed and nut treasures for learning.

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Make a Seed Collecting Container
But before we get to the educational seed activities we must make a seed collecting container!
I mean, you child could just plop the treasures in thier pockets, but why not get a little crafty. My child made a very simple container out of an egg carton.
An egg carton is perfect because it is light, latches closed and has separate sections to keep the seeds from getting too cozy with the other seeds. No cross-breeding here, folks!
What you need:
- 12 section egg carton, preferably cardboard.
- Acrylic or poster paint and kid-friendly paint brushes.
- Various do-dads and glue for decorating. Usually my kid pulls things from our hodge-podge bag of crafty bits, but this time he stuck (pun!) to glitter glue, which he loves.
Paint the egg carton as desired. Let dry. Cover carton with any do-dads or glitter glue you wish. That's it!
I'm sure you will pardon these less than stellar photos. It is so hard to give this masterpiece its due.
The next day we took a seed-collecting walk in the park. I tried to teach him the names of as many trees as I knew but he also found out I'm not an arborist, ha ha ha. He liked the way some seeds were so smooth, others were covered in spiny shells and he loved playing helicopter with the maple seed wings.
MORE: See more super duper easy creative fall fun ideas for kids
My son was perfectly content to have a collection to examine and keep in his homemade seed container, yet others may want to do some extended learning with their new found treasures!
MORE: 65 Fun Family Fall Activities
Seed Sensory Activities
Fine motor ideas with acorns - my son loved this one!
Sorting Seeds via How Wee Learn (This one's good for spring)
Seed Science Projects
Seed growing race (using beans or other seeds you have at home)
Grow beansprouts - a fast plant science project
Seed investigations via Fantastic Fun and Learning
Experiment to see what medium is best for growing seeds via From Engineer to SAHM
Seed Art Projects
Seed pod stamping via Danya Banya
Seed bomb necklaces via Babble Dabble Do
Seed, leaf and pinecone mobile via Red Ted Art
Autumn treasure sculpture via Fifth Wizardry
Turn maple seeds into a glittery Christmas ornament! via Bluebear Wood
Book Based Seed Activities
If You Plant a Seed kindness activity via Books and Giggles
Activity inspired by The Tiny Seed via The Educators' Spin on It
Jumping seeds inspired by Ten Red Apples via JDaniels Mom
Jenny says
What is it about glitter glue?! CJ is fascinated with that stuff! The variety of seeds you and Kiddo have collected is impressive- I need to find a cool place for us to gather seeds (and leaves) too- I think we'd both enjoy it.