Parents with more than one child know that siblings can sometimes get a little... how shall we say it... argumentative. It can be a challenge (to say the least) to get siblings to work together in harmony.
Sometimes when things are at their worst, parents are at their best. And one recent evening, let me tell you... things were pretty bad in the argumentative department.
But, somehow, this parent (me) came up with a brilliant idea.

The Brilliant Idea
In the evening, when the boys were driving me bonkers, I randomly cut a hole in the top of a cardboard box and ordered them to drop all their blocks in it.
That was it.
Little did I know this activity would keep the boys busy for an hour!
An hour, people. An. Hour. The two siblings worked together to drop block in a box for an hour. Did I mention, they were busy for an hour?
There was no fighting, they just dropped the blocks in. The blocks fell to the bottom of the box. They emptied the box and they started again.
DON'T MISS: Sibling activities to stop the fighting
And I didn't even have to turn on a screen to distract them. (If you ever start reaching for a screen, reach for one of these indoor activities for kids, instead.)
Wonders never cease.
At the end of the evening, my eldest son even said, "Thanks for making this, Mom."
No. Thank you.
MaryAnne says
Brilliant! =)
Sarah Slaven says
That's so cool, cracking up laughing here.
Steph says
I'm cracking up! Snagging this idea 🙂
Raising a Happy Child says
Too funny.
Jessica says
You know, I've been experimenting with the "unschooling" concept this month and I've been surprised how much work it is for me. Not to mention, how much more Benjamin accomplishes when I don't actually "teach" him anything. Things like this--dropping blocks into a hole for an hour--can consume his interest and get him thinking/experimenting much more than when I was planning so-called lessons. In fact, I'm exhausted by the end of each day--moreso than when we did traditional homeschooling. LOL
Bona Fide Mama says
well how do you like that?
jenny says
Boxes would have to be one of the top 5 all time greatest open ended "toys" don't you think?
amandab says
It's always the simple things, isn't it? 😀