Comments on: Why You Should Read Aloud to Older Kids Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Wed, 27 Nov 2019 03:34:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erica Wed, 27 Nov 2019 03:34:56 +0000 In reply to Leigh Hatch.

That's wonderful!

By: Leigh Hatch Fri, 22 Nov 2019 01:54:53 +0000 As a veteran ELA teacher, I have been a long time advocate of read alouds. In fact, I read to my 7th grade students on a daily basis.
I am SO happy to say that I read with my own kiddos until both were in later years of high school. What a great opportunity to make life long connections! Additionally, we were able to have such rich conversations about plot development, characterization, conflict resolution, inferences, etc.

By: Erin Sat, 17 Feb 2018 05:14:15 +0000 Growing up, we had family bedtime stories all the way through highschool and at that age tackled books we kids would probably not have read on our own (like the Odyssey and a Tale of Two Cities). So many great inside jokes and fond memories came from our reading nights. A love of reading is a strong connector in our family and having a common set of books that we heard together is an important part of that. I can't wait to read my daughter many of the books I loved hearing aloud.

By: Kris Tue, 29 Sep 2015 00:39:27 +0000 I read to my 10 year old and 8 year old. I read books that are above their level or books that they would not pull out on their own like Tom Sawyer.

By: Dana Thu, 28 May 2015 10:14:14 +0000 We love read alouds too. I love being able to shape my kids by the books they are exposed to. I have a teen in public school, the books he reads there are of the poorest quality. Last summer we did "The Hiding Place". This summer we choose "Around the World in 80 Days" and "The Last Lecture". I also homeschool my 10 yr old. Reading aloud is my favorite time as well. We've done the "Princess Academy" series, "Ballet Shoes", and many more. I will often read the first in a series to peak her interest. When I started homeschooling my son we didn't do read alouds. Many missed opportunities. 🙁 I realized he enjoyed it too as he would snuggle up as I was finishing a book with my daughter. They are both avid readers.

By: ailikate Sun, 03 May 2015 13:18:31 +0000 My daughter is 8 and I'm fairly sure that nothing would cause a bigger rebellion than if I suggested I should stop reading aloud.

By: Amy @ Sunlit Pages Fri, 01 May 2015 14:28:48 +0000 In reply to Emalia.

I bet your kids loved that! I think it surprises many people how readily their older kids enjoy being read to. Sometimes we're afraid they'll think it's babyish, but they think nothing of the kind. I wish you the very best as you explore other books together!

By: Emalia Fri, 01 May 2015 09:09:22 +0000 My boys are 11years and 11months, my daughter is 4years old. I don't read aloud to all of them every night anymore... 4yr old gets stories while older bro reads to himself and baby feeds, baby gets stories early early in the morning... But while re-organising our bookshelf recently for baby safety I found collections of short stories that I was given as a teenager and I started reading one randomly. Because it's not a regular thing, it seems even more special - a real treat!

By: Amy @ Sunlit Pages Fri, 01 May 2015 04:09:17 +0000 In reply to Stacey.

I could definitely take some tips from YOU, Stacey! You are a great advocate for reading aloud! Even if your girls go through a phase where they don't particularly want to do it, I bet they'll come back to it. They'll always have good memories of it, and it will be one of the things from their childhood that they look back on with the most fondness.

By: Stacey Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:45:24 +0000 This topic is near and dear to my heart. I am so happy to see you here Amy! My girls are 11 and 9 and while we don't always read aloud together, we do make time for it a couple times a week. I also read picture books to my 9 year almost every day. I love some of the suggestions above because I worry my girls will not always be so agreeable!
