Comments on: 5 Holiday DOs That I DON'T Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Mon, 03 Dec 2018 17:17:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patty B Tue, 17 Nov 2015 20:43:50 +0000 My DON'T do:
Wrapping paper! I realized the person who came up with wrapping paper was a genius! I pay money to through away? No thanks. I sewed drawstring bags with Christmas fabric I had and each year I make a few so I have a collection to choose from in different sizes. I bought 2 rolls of wrapping paper 4 years ago to wrap extended family gifts.

By: bamauthor Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:05:43 +0000 I don't do cookies or crafting. As far as presents go, my husband and I treat each other during the year and buy a few things for Christmas. Most of my shopping is online and that is for the grandchildren. We enjoy going to local holiday events and buy one new ornament for our tree every year.

By: Erica MomandKiddo Tue, 03 Dec 2013 14:31:56 +0000 In reply to Lisa Rags.

Thanks, Lisa! It's funny, but the more flexible I feel, the more I get done. It's so relaxing to lower my expectations...

By: Lisa Rags Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:29:19 +0000 Wow, your post was great! I totally get it!
I'm pretty flexible & spontaneous with Christmas, so if the stars are all aligned for something I'm always game! But, a few things I like to do for Christmas, and usually get it done are stockings hung somewhere, bake cookies usually once, put together a gingerbread house (that's like the craft, and my husband usually does that), go around the neighborhoods to see the Christmas lights. I always have a tree or something that serves the purpose of a tree, and I always listen to and sing the Christmas music! We open our smallest present under the tree on Christmas Eve if there are any to open. It's pretty simple, but like I said, I'm flexible for activities with my loved ones.
My "dream" Christmas look would probably come out of Victoria But, I'm real and live a real life with 3 kids under 7 years old, so that's not where my true dreams are. I am living my dream with my family, and that (and the birth of Jesus) are the biggest parts of celebrating Christmas to me.
Merry Christmas to you!

By: Mary Jones Fri, 21 Jun 2013 15:49:42 +0000 Years ago I tried to make a full-on Christmas and drove myself crazy. One year I asked my two children (boy and girl @ 7 and 9 respectively) what the most important parts of Christmas were for them; the things that, if they weren't done, would ruin the season. The List included: church on Christmas Eve, Christmas Tree, presents (we have always been fairly restrained in this area), and going to see a performance of the Nutcracker. No cookies, no crafts, no whole-house decorations.

By: Mom and Kiddo Mon, 17 Dec 2012 22:37:47 +0000 In reply to Katie @ Youth Literature Reviews.

Katie, love your list. You sound very, very sane!

By: Katie @ Youth Literature Reviews Mon, 17 Dec 2012 20:20:40 +0000 Love this list! My holiday don'ts are pretty similar to yours.
1. I love to decorate, but I never spend more than one day decorating. We pick a day to devote entirely to decorating, and if it doesn't get done then it's not happening.
2. I only bake cookies if I've been invited to someone's home. They make a fun holiday hostess gift, and then I don't have a house full of cookies.
3. At this time of year, it seems like Pinterest exists solely to make you feel like you need to make popsicle stick Christmas trees to be considered a good mom. Pass.
4. I'll admit, I do love to give lots of gifts. What I don't do is BUY lots of gifts. Homemade all the way. I start making gifts as early as October.
5. I can't really comment on this one. I loved going to see Santa as a kid, and I hope my kids do, too. But one thing I'll NEVER do is take a baby to see Santa. $20 for pictures of a frightened infant crying on a stranger's lap? Again, pass.

By: Natalie Mon, 17 Dec 2012 06:33:23 +0000 My "not do" list is pretty long and similar to yours, but my German husband decorates lavishly, and it's about the only time of the year when he can't stop buying presents 🙂 I am trying not to overcommit in December and leave plenty of time for reading in front of the fireplace.

By: Mom and Kiddo Sat, 15 Dec 2012 22:14:38 +0000 In reply to Jocelyne.

Great list, Jocelyne! I agree, it's good to do the things kids will remember, not what we think we "should do."

By: Jocelyne Sat, 15 Dec 2012 22:09:11 +0000 I found your blog looking for a book list recently. I am enjoying all the suggestions!

No Santa visits here. We avoid the mall this time of year so they don't even know they are missing out.

We only bake one batch of cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

We do decorate, but so simply. I actually just put the kids in charge!

We make one ornament.

I don't send Christmas cards. Best decision I ever made!

Our advent countdown is a Lego one because it is simple and gets the job done! And I do put a Christmas book on the mantle each night after the kids are in bed for us to read over breakfast. I like the idea of wrapping up 24 books, but not the time it would take. This is my solution.

I only buy for my kids, husband, inlaws (and only because it'd break my mil heart if we didn't), and my mom. This year my older son did tie dye pillowcases for a few friends though.

The biggest thing we do is a themed gingerbread house as a family. It is a huge deal and big tradition that lasts all month. Some years our extended family parties will have a gingerbread house competition. This is what I know my kids will remember. Not a frazzled mom with a mile long to-do list.

I like simple. My friends are all frazzled and wonder why I'm not!?!?
