Comments on: 5 Ways to Help Your Child Read More Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Mon, 23 Oct 2023 16:26:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: P Tue, 19 Dec 2017 04:21:56 +0000 LOTS of library visits + buy bulk at Craigslist amounts to lots of books and magazines laying round the house. I don't limit them on the book shelves only, I rotate the latest stacks on staircase(high traffic area); magazines rack in bathroom; current library books on coffee table; rotate picture books or riddles or Mad Lib in the car. I read a lot too. Sometimes I take them to the library it's bc I want to pick out latest Lucky Day ones for myself. At the same time you have to make other options non-exists or less appealing: screen time during school days. No screen time in the car. Don't be rigid about what they "should" read. If they are caught reading something on your Martha Stewart Living magazine, that's reading too! In fact, that's really good reading. They are reading to learn. Even older kids enjoy picture books or those big reference books. I do set a ground rule since they were in lower grades: every chapter book they finished, they can read a graphic novel. That way you don't get into tug-of-war with them.

By: Clare Brown Sat, 08 Jul 2017 10:02:11 +0000 Fred's Box is another fun and educational subscription box that always sends an age appropriate reading book in every box.

By: Erica Thu, 06 Jul 2017 12:25:47 +0000 In reply to Laurel.

Great! And I totally understand the feeling about having your library hold list maxed out. That happens to me all the time!

By: Erica Thu, 06 Jul 2017 12:25:06 +0000 In reply to froeder.

Hi, I would definitely seek out the advice of a literacy expert at your son's school or library. There may be other issues going on if his ability suffers when he doesn't read. My son also hated reading out loud to me, so I stopped and now he loves reading by himself. I also think it is perfectly okay to read books that are easy. This can help him gain confidence. However, I do think it would be wise to seek advice from teachers or reading specialists. - Erica

By: froeder Thu, 06 Jul 2017 04:43:58 +0000 My son, a rising 2nd grader hates to read. I realize this is my fault; reading has become a chore. I have always required that he read at least 15 minutes at night. I sit with him and listen. He moans and groans ans says how much he hates it and how boring it is. I have tried various approaches - let him pick out books; graphic novels; etc. He picks out books that are way too easy. Having independent reading time (he doesnt really read the book - based on the fact that when I ask him questions about what he read, he doesn;t know). He is a decent reader (slightly above grade level) but reading has become a power struggle. My issue is that if he doesnt read for even a week, his ability suffers. Already this summer, he is having trouble reading books that he would have easily read during the school year. I want him to love reading as much as I do. He enjoys listening to me read and to listening to books on tape. So... should I just back off requiring him to read out loud and focus on reading to him/books on tape - even if his reading level going in to 2nd suffers as a result?

By: Laurel Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:53:12 +0000 My kids are already eager readers but I wanted to thank you for this guest post because now I have a new book blog to follow. I wandered over to batch of books and found at least 2 books I hadn't previously encountered for my 9yo and a ton of new things to try for my 5yo. Feeling antsy because I've maxed out my hold limit at the library and have to wait til I pick up some holds to be able to reserve these. Thanks!
