Comments on: Ten Ways Kids Can Help in the Kitchen Screen-Free Activities and Books for Kids Tue, 16 May 2023 18:41:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erica MomandKiddo Mon, 30 Dec 2013 11:53:33 +0000 In reply to Pmac.

That is a great idea! What a great way to get them interested in the process.

By: Pmac Mon, 30 Dec 2013 09:54:56 +0000 Great post. My 3 year old loves to sit up at the bench & 'help' when I am in the kitchen. When I cook dinner I give him my off cuts & scraps & a bowl & he does his own 'cooking' : )

By: Shaunna (@Shaunna_FFL) Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:37:57 +0000 These are great suggestions! My girls love washing items and pushing buttons. Thank you for linking up to Discover & Explore. I'm featuring this post today.

By: Mom and Kiddo Mon, 21 Jan 2013 18:23:48 +0000 In reply to Jen Fischer.

You can purchase them fairly inexpensively I think. Our was a gift, but also you could make do with a wooden spoon and bowl.

By: Jen Fischer Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:59:35 +0000 Another reason I need to get a mortar and pestle. It has been on my list FOR-EVER and I am always hoping to find one at a yard sale or thrift store, but no such luck yet.

By: Mom and Kiddo Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:42:13 +0000 In reply to Katie.

Katie: Thanks for the suggestions. I love the idea of mashing guacamole, I bet they really get into that!

By: Katie Thu, 17 Jan 2013 07:01:39 +0000 We love cooking with our littles. Yes it does take extra time but I also find they are much better eaters of all their veggies when they helped grow, harvest, clean and cook them.

We love the learning tower to help get out little ones counter height. We also have some wonderful accessories from small hands Montessori that really enable our littles to safely participate. I love watching my 3 year old wash,peel and then chop carrots!

We're also big fans of washing and cleaning all fruits and veg and of snapping asparagus and mashing guacamole.

Cracking eggs is still a bit messy at 3 but oh so fun!

By: Amie (Triple T Mum) Tue, 12 Jun 2012 14:36:01 +0000 Hi! Stopping by from Triple T Mum. I love getting my kids in the kitchen helping me to make different things. I love this list! You've given me some extra ideas for when the twins are ready to get in on the kitchen action. I am featuring this post on Triple T Mum's Kids Co-op (14th June 2012). Thank you!

By: Cheerios and Lattes Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:09:33 +0000 Great ideas! I love cooking with my little guys! Iā€™d love to invite you to share on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know my readers will love your ideas as well!
Happy Weekend! šŸ™‚

By: Raising a Happy Child Fri, 08 Jun 2012 23:03:33 +0000 Anna is reasonably good in the kitchen, I am still inviting her only if she is interested. Sometimes she wants to do a lot, sometimes she just wants to watch. I hope she is cooking us meals in a couple more years šŸ™‚
